Losing your job can be hard enough
Navigating the Unemployment Compensation system doesn’t have to be. Our team is here to help you through the Unemployment Appeals Process so you can start receiving or keep receiving Unemployment Compensation Benefits.
Appealing a Determination
If you have been found to be ineligible, even after you have already begun to receive payments, you may be able to appeal the ineligibility determination. Employers and Employees don’t always see eye to eye when it comes to a termination. In these instances, an Unemployment Referee may need to do more digging into the circumstances giving rise to the end of employment. We can help you appeal the determination and get your case before an Unemployment Referee so you can get paid.
Examples of Ineligibility Determinations:
If you quit your job, you may be ineligible to receive benefits. You may still be eligible for benefits if after many attempts on your part to work things out, you are left with no other option than to leave your position. Other necessitous and compelling reasons for quitting may include your personal safety, your health, a hostile work environment or an unexpected change in your family’s needs. If you have received an ineligibility determination based on an Employer’s assertion that you voluntarily abandoned your job, call us today and we can discuss an appeal.
You must earn a certain amount of wages within a certain time frame to be eligible for benefits. If you have concerns about a financial ineligibility determination, you should give us a call to discuss an appeal.
Self-employed applicants may not be eligible for benefits. Read through our blog on gig-work here to better understand this issue and don’t hesitate to give us a call if you receive a determination of ineligibility based on self-employment or if you have questions about becoming self-employed.
If you have been fired for deliberately breaking one of your employer’s rules, you may not be eligible for benefits. Not all rule violation rise to the level of willful misconduct, but there are certain universal standards of behavior that your employer can expect of you. The burden is on your employer to show that what you did constitutes willful misconduct. If you have been improperly found ineligible for benefits due to a willful misconduct termination, we can help you appeal the determination.
If you receive a determination stating you have been overpaid benefits for which you were ineligible, call us to discuss options for appeal, and check out our blog about overpayments here for more information.